Brainvire’s Multi Merge add-on for SuiteCRM helps users find duplicate records based on email ID and merge those records to remove data redundancy from the CRM. In a few clicks, users can remove all duplicate records from the Leads, Accounts, and Contacts modules.
Installation Guide
Installing the Add-on
Step: 1. Accessing Admin Panel: Module Loader: From the Admin dashboard, find and select the "Module Loader" option.
Step: 2. Upload Package.
This feature enables users to select and upload package.
Step: 3. Accept and Commit.
Users can proceed by clicking on the "Accept and Commit" button.
Step: 4. License Key Validation.
Following module installation, adhere to licensing agreements by validating purchased license keys.
Step: 5. Admin: Repair and Rebuild.
Access the administrative panel and navigate to the Repair section. Perform a Repair and Rebuild action to optimize and maintain system integrity.
Step: 6. SuiteCRM Installation Steps.
For SuiteCRM 8, as per compatibility matrix we need to install few softwares as per SuiteCRM version. Please check everything has been installed as per suitecrm developer guide [SuiteCRM8 Basic SetUp]
Below is the Software version required for SuiteCRM 8.4. Please check the above link for other suiteCRM versions.
Please update below code in file location config/services/module at the last
File Name : 'module_routing.yaml'
Code :
BV_Merge_record: index: false list: false record: false
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