by Fynsis Softlabs

The synergy of Xero and SuiteCRM is a double bonanza, as SuiteCRM Xero Accounting Integration by Fynsis brings a seamless flow of data of customers from inside your CRM to the actual billing and invoicing system in useful handshake so the bills can be generated within CRM.

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#3260 - Does this app support

Closed Installation created by Neurocom 4 years ago

Does "Xero Accounting SuiteCRM Integration" support OAUTH 2.0?

As I did the below steps

1) Login to 2) "New App" --> "OAUTH 2.0 Grant Type"

I am unsure if I use "Auth code - Web App" or "Auth code with PKCE - Mobile or desktop app".

I know if I do the "Auth code - Web App" it only generates a

Client ID: Client Secret:

But your application is requesting:-

Consumer Key: Consumer Secret: Public Key: Private Key:

I feel like this is OAUTH 1.0a which has been depreciated & is no longer available as a option in Xero. OAuth1.0a is in the process of being deprecated and new private apps can no longer be created.

Please confirm the steps involved & also confirm it supports OAUTH 2.0?

  1. fynsistech member avatar

    Fynsis Softlabs Provider

    4 years ago


    yes, our App do support OAUTH 2.0 . For the steps to installation you can contact me via my skype id:live:.cid.22faebb2c81a236a

  2. fynsistech member avatar

    Fynsis Softlabs Provider

    2 years ago

    Hope it's taken care.

    If need support reach me on for immediate support and assistance

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