by Tuitio

Tracks failed and successful logins. Captures remote IP address, typed username and user agent string.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5418 Error on suitecrm 8.6 - Hello, I have updated the module license and installed the latest version that appears, but the mo jgonzalez Open Bug?
#4824 empty access list - Hello, I have installed the module and configured as detailed, but we have tried to enter and exit s jgonzalez Closed Bug?
#2304 Error to Configure in SuiteCRM 7.11.8 - Hello, I've installed the module in SuiteCRM 7.11.8 and I can't configure the module key. Too, josemanuelmarin Closed Bug?
#2103 Logging Times in UTC in database - The times logged in the table are in UTC. They should be timestamped taking into account the timezon jim.kramer Closed Bug?