by T2I Solutions

This package makes Product Line Items and Service Line Items sortable in Contracts, Quotes, and Invoices modules for SuiteCRM.

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#3384 - Can't get the package to install

Closed Bug? created by DDSN Interactive Verified Purchase 4 years ago


We signed up for a free trial yesterday and the first time I attempted to get it working, it seemed to but the functionality is not available so I tried again and got this error - could you please advise asap?

Installation of T2I Line Items Sortable plugin has stopped with the following code: 0xfex001 and can not be completed. It turns out that there are other customisations in the system and in order to prevent any conflicts with existing files, this installation has to be completed manually. Please contact T2I at for further instructions.

Thank you,


  1. artjoms.morscakovs member avatar

    T2I Solutions Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Dear DDSN,

    Thank you for downloading our plugin.

    The root cause of this error is because Line Items Sortable plugin uses view.edit.php file from 3 modules AOS_Contracts, AOS_Invoices, AOS_Quotes in custom/modules folder. This is a specific check done to Not override customizations done by the other plugins as view.edit.php file is heavily used by custom plugins

    In order to install the plugin to the instance you need to do the following steps: 1. Temporarily remove these files from your instance (Important: please keep a backup) 1. 1. Go to file structure into the folder custom/modules 1. 1. Download a copy of 3 view.edit.php files (if they exist) 1. 1. Delete from your Instance 2. Install the plugin (this time error would Not appear as it checks for the existence of these files) 3. Manually open view.edit.php files and merge the changes from the original file with the code from Line Items Sortable Plugin 4. Upload view.edit.php files to your instance (override) 5. Run Quick Repair & Rebuild

    With these steps, the installation would be successful.

    We can also support you via skype call if needed.

    Thanks, T2I Line Items Sortable Support Team

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