At a glance, view high level summaries of all related data for a given record. For example, see how many contacts an account has or the total value of all quotes combined for a contact.
#5241 - Can I test this plugin for using Suitecrm 7.13 and 7.14?
I am testing using Suitecrm 7.13 and 7.14. I only found (April 13th, 2022)
Where can I test the :
a year ago
We'll upload Summary Fields zip for SuiteCRM-7.13 and Suitecrm-7.14 and once it's done will update you here.
Variance Infotech PVT LTD
a year ago
We've uploaded Summary fields zip for SuiteCRM-7.13 & SuiteCRM-7.14 on SuiteCRM Store so you can download from store and use it
Variance Infotech PVT LTD
a year ago
Thank you for your prompt customer support for this testing. I have quickly tested in 7.13 and it is working. Will go ahead and hopefully it is the same for 7.14. I will decide which version for my project. Hope for your continuous success