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SuiteCRM Signature Field Plugin Add signature fields directly from the studio to allow your prospect to agree and sign your records. Add Signature fields on any Studio-enabled module (base and custom modules), and print it on the PDF templates !

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#3943 - Imge 64 no displayed in Gmail clients & others

Closed Bug? created by hola1 Verified Purchase 3 years ago

Hi, We use Esiganture field module in combination with email templates and Workflows to send emails automatically to our beneficiaries including their signature in the body of the email. Our Suite CRM provider have just realised in different tests that the signature image isn't displayed correctly on GMAIL mail clients. We searched information about this and it seems that there are many email clients that do not support these types of images that the Esignature widget uses, ( 'base64') More info here:

Our Suite CRM provider has told us that it seems that there are alternatives to changing the image type before submitting, but this should be done by the developers of the ESignature widget. Can we find a solution at the programming level to display the image in the boday of the main Email clients?

  1. idevit member avatar

    iDevIT Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    We chose to develop the module using Base64 encoding to be able to store the data right in the database and not as files on fileSystem. To be able to display it from an email, we should be able to put it as a multipart email. This enquires kinda lot of development that is not planed for the module to the moment I speak.

    SOrry for the inconvenience.

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