Adding a signature field to any module just got easier with the new Signature Field Widget. Read on to learn more.
Highlevel Overview
A new field type accessible for all Studio-enabled modules including both core and custom modules. Adding a signature takes just seconds. Set the size (width/height) and drop it on the edit, detail, or list views.
The signature pad will work on both the desktop (using a mouse) and on mobile (touch enabled).
Supports Mobile, Too!
To learn more about this solution go to the Signature Field Widget or search for "signature".
Dynamic Panels
Need to show or hide fields or panels based on the value of another field? For this requirement Dynamic Panels is the perfect solution. The advanced configuration tools allow you to clearly define what should happen whenever a field value changes.
BV True Number
The Brainvire True Number add-on provides phone number verification for your SuiteCRM contacts. Users can better manage their time by knowing what customer numbers are correct versus incorrect, before they make attempts to reach out.
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