
Sapiens.BI helps you produce effective reports with charts in a fast and easy way. It is a Sugar and SuiteCRM BI plug-in with powerful reporting capabilities, ease of use, elegant design, and a quick and easy setup. This Reporting Tool is easy to use, there is no need for technical knowledge or SQL. The Sapiens.BI tool comes with over 100 pre-built reports.

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#3323 - License Key Does not Exist

Closed Installation created by ReportAdmin 4 years ago


I installed on SuiteCRM and trying to validate the license key that was provided.

But, I keep getting errors: License Key Does not Exist.

Could you please help?

Thank you,

  1. sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

    4 years ago


    We have checked from your provided screenshots we can see that the key you are validating look correct, but the key doesn't ping for some reason.

    May we ask if you have the latest package downloaded from your orders page below?

    Here are a few items to troubleshoot to ensure the license key works: 1. Make sure you downloaded the correct package 2. Make sure your firewall is allowing connections to and that php_curl is installed on your server

    It looks like you accidentally started 2 new trials, so we've cancelled the duplicate order for you now (order #12221).

    Let us know if this doesn't help, - we can then schedule live web screen share for more support!

    Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team

    • ReportAdmin member avatar


      4 years ago


      Thanks for replying.

      I had installed a package before from order #12221 which is currently canceled.

      Isn't that the same package from order #12222?

      I just kept #12221 installed package and try the new license key from new order #12222.

      Could that be why it gives error?


    • ReportAdmin member avatar


      4 years ago


    • sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

      4 years ago

      Thank you for the screenshot.

      The best would be if you could uninstall existing package via Module Loader and then Install the one related to your active trial.

      Please let us know if you have any pending issues or need any further help!

      Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team

    • ReportAdmin member avatar


      4 years ago


      I have uninstalled the existing package and installed a new package (one related to my active trial).

      But, it still gives me the same error.

      It looks like a javascript issue in your package.

      Could you please check the error from the screenshot?



    • sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

      4 years ago


      Thank you for screenshot. It would help more if you could provide request/JSON response from the browser Developer Tools -> Network tab too, as well as full size error log.

      At now we can see, that this is probably SuiteCRM Store warning message which, probably, is "The user does not have access to this add-on.". Is it possible, that you are trying to validate from other user who has not been enabled to use this module?

      Second thing to check is in file "/modules/AnalyticReporting/license/config.php" the variable "public_key". Please check if there is entry "a6942f93c3a2b006488457eb7a8148cc" (it can be comma separated with others). There can be issue if you have downloaded different packages.

      Hope this will help!

      Best regards, Sapiens.BI Team

  2. ReportAdmin member avatar


    4 years ago

    Thank you for the update.

    It seems I have been able to validate the key; however, now I get the following:

    Screen Shot 2021-01-07 at 11.04.37 AM.png

    Please advise.

    • sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

      4 years ago

      Hi, You should configure - which users have the access to theAnalytic Reporting Tool module under SuiteCRM admin panel.

      Please let us know, if you need more help with further steps.

      Best Regards, Sapiens.BI Team

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