#2070 - Opportunity Probability
1) Is the Quotas forecasting based on Opportunities?
2) Is the probability field in the Opportunities used for forecasting?
3) Are you planing to implement a feature to add probabilities as % to opportunities or the probable amount (best, likely, worst case) directly into the opportunity where the sales rep can adjust this values.
(Like the functionality in the SugarCRM Forecasting Module)
Kind Regards
5 years ago
1) By default, forecast is based on Opportunities. You can also choose Quotes or Invoices (see admin / Sales Quota / settings page).
2) The probability field is not used by default. But you can change that easily by adding the following line to your config_override.php (we don't have that in the settings page yet): $sugar_config['quotas']['opportunity_forecast_amount']=='probability';
3) We have no plan to add any field to Opportunities. However, the way calculations are done can be changed by extending our Quota_Utils class to a CustomQuota_Utils class placed in custom/modules/NS_User_Quotas/quota_utils.php and overriding get_opportunity_forecast_amount in that custom class. So, if you add these fields, you can use them in that new function.