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#4808 - Can't able to send mail From App

In Progress Bug? created by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd a year ago

QuickCRM Extension has been installed in CRM and login through CRM Credential in QuickCRM Mobile App. After that We're trying to send mail from the App but we can't able to send mail from the App.

We're getting below message when we're trying to send mail from QuickCRM Mobile App, "Email could not be sent. Please check your server log"

  1. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    Please check your SuiteCRM log and your PHP error log.

  2. varianceinfotech member avatar

    We've checked in SuiteCRM log file and in that we found fatal message like "QuickCRM: Missing credentials. Email could not be sent" so for that which credential we needs to check and where. we've already set outgoing server details in CRM.

    • bluquet member avatar

      NS-Team Provider Affiliate

      a year ago

      Could you please tell me what you have in Admin / Email settings for Users may send as this account's identity
      and Users may send as themselves Is it checked or unchecked?

    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      In our CRM, Users may send as themselves is checked and Users may send as this account's identity is unchecked in Admin/Email Settings.

  3. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    I will try to reproduce that. What is your version of SuiteCRM?

  4. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    I have been able to reproduce the problem. We will have to update our server module (that will not be simple as some of our customers use very old versions of SuiteCRM and we need to be compatible with most versions) I will let you know when we have a fix for that by direct email

  5. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    Hi, It seems we can't send you direct emails. Can you download version 7.1.2 on the store and check that your users can send emails from the app?

    Thank you for your feedback.

    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      We've already installed QuickCRM_Mobile_Full_SS_7.1.0 in our CRM. For installing version 7.1.2, we need to uninstalled previously installed zip and after that install new zip or direct install new zip?

    • bluquet member avatar

      NS-Team Provider Affiliate

      a year ago

      You can install directly this new zip file.

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