by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

List-view Colors for SuiteCRM is designed to add color to the rows and text on a list for each row. The highlighting is done based on conditions/filters that you define. Great for identifying records that require attention based on specific conditions.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#4038 Licence problem - Bi, I have bought your addon and it was working fine tili today, it asks For renewal od licence,and marbanas Closed Bug?
#2760 ListView - missed calls - Question, Is it possible to use listview to identify call that are out of date. IE When looking a julianh Closed General Question
#2702 Sub panel row - Hi the module does not work in the sub-panels, only modify the lists of the main panels massimo.capuano Closed Bug?
#2559 Listviewcolor - Hello, I just updated listviewcolor to 5.0V7.11, I made the repairs, but suddenly it doesn't work a Genius Closed Bug?
#2485 not working - Deployed 7.10 December package. rick Closed Bug?
#2244 Cannot create list color entry - Hi! I just took trial to test the plugin, and facing some problem: * I installed as per list t marbanas Closed Bug?
#1958 Can only create one listview color per module. - When attempting to create an additional listview color rule with a module this appears "Listview Col n8weaver Closed Bug?
#1941 Would it work also for Subpanle Target Lists - Hello, would this addon also work for Subpanel Lists like TragetLists > Targets Subpanel? Kind jobvector GmbH Closed Feature
#1849 Genius Solutions - Hello, I'm coming back to you about the possibility that you were planning to be able to set multip Genius Closed Feature
#1806 Colour list - Hello, I bought and installed colourlist. I set up 4 modules: business, calls, invoices and propos Genius Closed Bug?