by Rolustech

Visualize your CRM data! Integrate Google Maps with SuiteCRM to see leads, contacts, and accounts on a map. Plan routes, optimize sales efforts. Effortless location intelligence.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#4658 Upload/Install - How do I get the RT Sales Map uploaded to Sugar? I have the unzipped files from the download. Closed Installation
#3200 Locations Field not Storing Map Pin. - For some reason, after geocoding, my location fields on my records are not storing a good pin. Not s aaronstorrer Closed Bug?
#3199 Issue with some URLs - I'm running the latest version of suiteCRM. For some reason, a few of the urls in the plugin want to aaronstorrer Closed Bug?
#3142 Map works, but no pins. Same problem linke #1262 - Hi, your plugin is working but after reload the map no pins are visible. There are some test accou buchhaltung1 Closed Bug?
#2282 can you track user logins on map? - Can we use this to map location from where our user logged in? ShibuSukumaran Closed Bug?
#1507 Maps are not loaded - I ask you for technical support. The product does not seem to work at all in my crm. fcstudiowebteam Closed Bug?
#1311 Internet Connection Problem - Hello, recently bought this module and I am quite frustrated....cant search anything or use it at a Chrobak77 Closed Bug?
#1262 I install see map but no pins - I have installed your module on my system, I can call the map but it does not show pins. I have geo davidga33 Closed Bug?
#870 Custom Markers for Custom Modules - Can you add custom Map Markers for other existing and custom modules? whitecoat Closed General Question