by cyborgsolution

Galleria - Image Gallery for uploading multiple images and viewing them as sliding images gallery

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#463 - Can't get Images to show - Permissions Issue

Closed Installation created by wward Verified Purchase 7 years ago

Hello, I haven't been able to get the module to work: Production Installation: Looks like this - ImageGalleryError2.png New Installation: Looks like this - ImageGalleryError.png

I have SuiteCRM hosted on Bitnami using the Amazon Cloud, both installations are version 7.9.2. Operating System Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS (HVM) I have adjusted the permissions per forums etc. etc. etc. Please advise as this module could work for our company but I'm unable to get it to work.

Thank you Wayne

  1. cyborgsolution member avatar

    cyborgsolution Provider

    7 years ago

    Wayne The output shown in images is definitely a permissions issue. We have sent you a separate email for more information. Please reply to that so that we can resolve this issue for your instance. Regards

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