by cyborgsolution

Galleria - Image Gallery for uploading multiple images and viewing them as sliding images gallery

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#1639 - Uploaded images do not show in detailview, either in custom-module or stock-module

Closed Installation created by reinier 6 years ago


I'm having trouble getting Galleria to work. I can upload images in edit-view, but they do not show in detail-view; more like the icon for a broken link. This is the case for both stock-modules and custom-modules.

First off; I have an error in the log for an insert-failure on table config The name ('galleria-image-gallery-for-suite-crm') it tries to insert is larger that the length of name attribute(32) in config. Altering the length for the name-attribute to 64 does the trick. The entry gets saved. However, that does not seem to solve the issue.

Looking at cs_muliupload_gallery, the uploaded images are saved to this table. The path in the upload-dir also looks fine. Upload images are there. I've checked the permissions, and they also seem oke.

I've tested the plugin on a LAMP and MAMP. We experience the same issue on both environments. LAMP: - SuiteCRM 7.8.18 - PHP 7.1.19 - mysql Distrib 5.5.60-MariaDB - apache 2.4.6

MAMP: -SuiteCRM 7.8.19 -PHP 7.1.20 -msyql 5.7.23 -apache 2.2.34

Please advise how to proceed,

Kind regards,

  1. cyborgsolution member avatar

    cyborgsolution Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello Reinier

    We have sent you a follow up email regarding your issue. Please reply via that channel so that we can look into your instance and resolve this issue. Thank You.

    • reinier member avatar


      6 years ago

      Hello, The follow-up mail is not received. Only the update-notification of this issue.

  2. cyborgsolution member avatar

    cyborgsolution Provider

    6 years ago

    Please check your spam folder or send us an email at info AT

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