by NS-Team

Using the File upload field for image uploads? With Image Preview any file uploaded that is an image shows a preview of the image on Notes, Documents, custom modules, etc. Wherever the File field type is used. Works on detail views, edit views, list views, and subpanels.

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Image Preview takes attachments that are images and creates a preview that gets displayed on Detail View, Edit View, List View and Subpanels.

Simple and Straightforward

After installing by using Module Loader your CRM will automatically start displaying picture previews wherever the File field type is used. See below for some examples.

Detail View

Detail View

List View

List View

History Subpanel

History Subpanel

Documents Subpanel

Documents Subpanel

Works Great with QuickCRM

Image Preview is fully supported in QuickCRM, the mobile app solution for SuiteCRM.

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* Free 30 day trial