by Urdhva Tech

DocParser creates PDF or MS Word documents based on any record and it's related data. DocParser can be used to merge information from any module into a presentation-quality document and create an MS Word and PDF documents. The parsed document can be downloaded from both the List view and Detail view.

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#5370 - Does it work for Suitecrm version 7.14.3

Open Bug? created by 9 months ago

Dear Urdhva Tech,

I am checking with you before purchasing first. Does it work for Suitecrm version 7.14.3?


  1. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    9 months ago


    Thank you for reaching out, We have tested it on that version and it does work. However if in any case you find issue, Please feel free to reach us. We would be happy to help.

    Thanks Team Urdhva Tech

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