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#5208 - Default dashboard bug
We have come across a bug where if the "default for new users" tick box is ticked on a dashboard template, if a user then has a security group added to it's profile, it then adds the ticked dashboard template to their profile and overwrites the dashboard that they currently have.
Let me know if you need any further details.
a year ago
I think I found an issue that "may" be causing this. Just so I understand completely and don't waste your time would you mind recording a Loom (or similar) of the issue you are experiencing? That way I can confirm the resolution before sending off to you.
a year ago
Hi, thanks for coming back to us,
I don't really want to replicate the issue with our customer again but I will see if I can recreate it on one of our test systems and try and get something over to you.
9 months ago
Hi, apologies for the delay in coming back to you.
I would like to revisit this, mainly as we have had another customer with the same problem.
We now have a recording of the issue. How would you like us to send it to you?
9 months ago
Hello. You can email me at
9 months ago
Thanks, have now sent it over
9 months ago
Hello. I have uploaded now. It seems this issue was what I expected. There was a debug code in a check that got missed.
9 months ago
Great thanks
9 months ago
Could you please make the file available to download as I can't see it?
9 months ago
It should be there now. Sorry about that.
9 months ago
I see it now, many thanks.