by Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd

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#3125 - Cases don't display

Closed General Question created by Gal_Shamir 4 years ago

Hi, I started to check this plugin, I opened a new case and it still shows 0/0 cases (and there is an existing case in the subpanel under the account). What are the conditions to count cases? Can you please provide the conditions of count records for each module?

Thanks, Gal

  1. BrainvireInfotech member avatar

    Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    we have consider status field in which open and close cases we have consider.

    if you need additional customization as per your need then we will do that.

    Let me know your availability so we can discuss further.

  2. Gal_Shamir member avatar


    4 years ago

    Hi, I'll be able to meet you later. Don't you have some documentation that explains the conditions of counting for each module?

    Thanks, Gal

    • BrainvireInfotech member avatar

      Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

      4 years ago

      Please provide your email address so we can send the documents to you on mail.

      Generally its very simple so that we have not put the documents.. all are mentioned on videos.

  3. Gal_Shamir member avatar


    4 years ago



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