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#804 - PHP 7.1 Sequencing Not Working Properly.

Closed Bug? created by mattforrest Verified Purchase 7 years ago

I've updated SuiteCRM from 7.9.4 which I have been using CM & Sugar Sequencing Add-on with for some time, with PHP 5.6, to SuiteCRM 7.9.7 and PHP 7.1. However when using PHP 7.1 the sequencing doesn't work as expected. If a record is created, the field designated as the sequencing field will be populated. Then, if the record is edited the sequence field will change to the next value in the sequence, despite the value already being set on this record. This is only seen when using PHP 7.0 or 7.1 and not if I set the PHP version back to 5.6

  1. cm_sugar member avatar

    CM & Sugar Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Hello, which version of sequencing are you using right now? I will have a look and check the outdated files. I fI am right, it is the missing block assignment of PHP code.

    • mattforrest member avatar

      mattforrest Verified Purchase

      7 years ago

      Hi, We are using v1.3.2 which you had to make some changes to when we first deployed it as per case '#64 - Database Error'.


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