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#233 - Sequencing AddOn details

Closed Feature created by HPadmin 8 years ago

I have 2 "basic" type custom modules related (SOhead and SOline). The SOhead will have a fixed number coming from an external system, but I'd like to have its SOlines auto generating numbers based on the SOhead #.

i.e: SOhead#: 5000 auto increase their SOlines: 5000-01, 5000-02, 500003 .....

Is this possible? Thank you.

  1. cm_sugar member avatar

    CM & Sugar Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    Well right now it is not possible, but I can implement a flex relate suffix and prefix fill. Meantime I would suggest, use a fix value for your prefix values, since I would not assume, your SOhead value will change so often.

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