Customer Portal for SuiteCRM helps your company create and maintain a standalone portal for your customers, enabling them to log in and use your services, complete required tasks, keep track of support cases and many other functions.
#5534 - portal cannot connect to crm
Hi, we are testing currently and have different ongoing issues with the basic setup of the addon. what we completed:
- portal is installed in suite, license key is accepted. did the basic configuration in suite and generated a portal-zip file.
- portal-web-package is copied to another webservice
- mail for new portal user is being generated and sent. contact is able to use the portal (login works)
now the problems: - As said, I've used another webserver to host the portal. im drowning in CORS errors - Workaround: I've installed a chrome extension to ignore CORS errors. my assumption is that problem wouldnt exist if we use the same webserver for the crm and the portal. still, in a production env., I'd like to use separate machines. If you have any insights what needs to be reconfigured, pls let us know.
Secondly, if use the extension to get rid of the cors issues, the portal fails to load data from the crm. the console prints multiple request errors. this is just one example:
GET https://my.actual.crm.url/ba_api/Accounts/filters 500 (Internal Server Error)
(anonymous) @ ContainerHead.js:51
357 @ index.js:7
l @ Accounts:1
t @ Accounts:1
r @ Accounts:1
(anonymous) @ main.9f5af70a.chunk.js:1
thanks for having a look!
4 months ago
Hi, You can install the portal on different server. Lots of clients are using like that and they don't face any issue. Regarding the SuiteCRM, can you please share the PHP and SuiteCRM version?
4 months ago
Hi, I can try to utilize another server, just need do some preps first. but to answer your questions: - Suite 7.14.5 - PHP 8.2.24
4 months ago
Thanks! I will check using that PHP version.
4 months ago
an update: we've created another virtual host on the very same webserver, crm and portal both use subdomain with an individual prefix (e.g. and the CORS issue is still the same, and both virtualhosts use ssl. but, secondly, if i turn on my chrome extension to overcome the cors-issues, the 500 internal server error remains when trying to load a page. we have created a dedicated php-error-log file for the crm virtualhost, and i cannot see any explanation besides the usual suite-warnings. in summary: exchanging the webserver wasnt helpful.
and, last but not least, i also noticed that the portal designer page in suitecrm itself is also not fully working. i created page schemas for accounts, but if some other modules are selected, another error becomes visible:
4 months ago
Hi, It is due to the PHP version. We made some changes to a file and shared the instructions to your email. Please check your email