by Smackcoders

Experience lightning-fast address entry with our Google Address Autocomplete, now powered by Rapid Auto Fill! Streamline your data input process across Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Invoices, and Quotes modules. As you begin typing an address, our intuitive system presents a dynamic list for quick selection. Benefit from the precision of the Google Map API, ensuring an accurate and efficient population of address information. Simplify your workflow, enhance accuracy, and accelerate your purchases with our cutting-edge Address Autocomplete solution.

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#803 - Cannot get it to work.

Closed Bug? created by dennis.lebar 7 years ago

This is the error message that is in my log file, can you tell me what I am doing wrong ?

Sat Dec 2 13:34:59 2017 [7178][1][FATAL] Query Failed: INSERT INTO config (value, category, name) VALUES ('YToyOntzOjg6Imxhc3RfcmFuIjtpOjE1MTIyNTA0OTk7czoxMToibGFzdF9yZXN1bHQiO2E6Mjp7czo3OiJzdWNjZXNzIjtiOjE7czo2OiJyZXN1bHQiO2E6MTp7czo5OiJ2YWxpZGF0ZWQiO2I6MTt9fX0=','SugarOutfitters', 'addresslookup-suitecrm-integration'): MySQL error 1406: Data too long for column 'name' at row 1

Sat Dec 2 13:34:59 2017 [7178][1][FATAL] Query Failed: INSERT INTO config (value, category, name) VALUES ('YToyOntzOjg6Imxhc3RfcmFuIjtpOjE1MTIyNTA0OTk7czoxMToibGFzdF9yZXN1bHQiO2E6Mjp7czo3OiJzdWNjZXNzIjtiOjE7czo2OiJyZXN1bHQiO2E6MTp7czo5OiJ2YWxpZGF0ZWQiO2I6MTt9fX0=','SugarOutfitters', 'addresslookup-suitecrm-integration'): MySQL error 1406: Data too long for column 'name' at row 1

  1. Smackcoders member avatar

    Smackcoders Provider

    7 years ago

    Hi Dennis,

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    The error was because of the lengthy module name we used. Now, we have shortened it. Kindly try our updated package.

    Regards, Smackcoders Team

  2. Smackcoders member avatar

    Smackcoders Provider

    7 years ago

    Hi Dennis,

    I hope that you got the updated version working for you. Kindly let us know if you need any help. We' re here to help you.

    Regards, Smackcoders Team

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