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#1682 - Unable to view PDF, Doc after uploading in Documents

Open Bug? created by saqibazeem 6 years ago


I am unable to view PDF, Doc after uploading in Documents.

Screenshot attached.

Please advise.


  1. NiketGupta member avatar

    Ideadunes Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Please provide the snapshot didn't find it with the comment. In documents module there is a default upload field you might have tried there.

    Add the documents datatype field and try with that should work.

    Looking forward for the snapshot to assist you further.


  2. saqibazeem member avatar


    6 years ago

    I am also unable to view document on pop-out. It redirects to{Doc_URL}. Same message "No Preview Available".

    Please advise.

  3. NiketGupta member avatar

    Ideadunes Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Can we get on a skype call I would like to see maybe you might not have enabled those specific document formats when creating a field or maybe because of some customization on your end?

    I would need to review and solve.

  4. NiketGupta member avatar

    Ideadunes Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Let me know a real-time way to connect and will solve the issue you are having.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Skype: niket.gupta51 Phone/WhatsApp: +917709399141


    • saqibazeem member avatar


      6 years ago


      We have already explored and finalized another plugin.


  5. NiketGupta member avatar

    Ideadunes Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Please ensure that in the type of file you are uploading should not contain a dot(.) In name else it will show broken image as it parse the extensions using .png, .pdf,.jpg formats etc using the dot(.) Character

This case is public. Please leave out any sensitive information such as URLs, passwords, etc.
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