by ValeDale

vMyRoleHomePage increases the productivity of SuiteCRM users by standardizing homepages among people with the same role and adding tools to the standard homepage. You can allow users to add personal tabs to their role homepages (or not).

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Installation Guide


MyRoleHomepage (vHomePage) requires vCommon (free module), which is a common module for other ValeDale modules.

vHomePage will adapt the following two files (if they exist):

  • "modules\Home\RemoveDashboardPages.php" (needed to handle common tabs)
  • " modules\Home\views\view.list.php" (needed to present new functionality)

If any of these files already exist, AND they are different than the ones you want to install, then a back-up will be made of your existing files. If in the future you want to stop using vHomePage, you can manually restore those two files.

First time install

Follow the standard way to load a module in SuiteCRM:

  • Download vCommon and vHomePage module to your PC
  • Login as a SuiteCRM admin user
  • Go to “Admin”
  • Select “Module Loader”
  • Select vCommon from your PC and upload.
  • Install module
  • Select from your PC MyRole vHomePage, and upload
  • Install the module
  • Confirm data

Install new version

Ensure that you have a newer version and then just follow the first time install instructions.

If not:

  • De-install current version KEEP DATABASE !!!
  • Install again the version.

Users of AlineaSol Publish Home Page

vHomePage is not data compatible with AlineaSol Publish Home Page. You can contact us to migrate your home pages to vHomePage.

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