by ValeDale

vMyRoleHomePage increases the productivity of SuiteCRM users by standardizing homepages among people with the same role and adding tools to the standard homepage. You can allow users to add personal tabs to their role homepages (or not).

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Automatically assign specific homepage based on user role

Every time a user logs into SuiteCRM, he/she is led to the homepage. Ideally, each user should quickly see what is relevant for their role in the company (and not what is irrelevant). Of course, every user could adapt and individually maintain their homepage, but that would be extremely inefficient. That’s where the vMyRoleHomePage add-on can help teams work their daily CRM tasks more efficiently.

The goal of vMyRoleHomePage (vHomePage) is to increase the productivity of CRM users by:

  • Standardizing homepages amongst people with the same role
  • Adding relevant tools to the standard homepage

This functionality is particularly interesting for larger companies in which certain user groups have specialized tasks, and therefore benefit from easily accessible customized work areas. Furthermore, vHomePage adds some functionality to make it easier to manage the standard homepage (functionality that should really have been standard in the CRM).


Key features of vMyRoleHomePage

  • Support for both managing and normal users
  • Support for special "roles": Mine, Default, All
  • You can define if users can add their personal tabs to the Common tabs.
  • Two steps publish process: 1) Edit any of the homepages, 2) When finished, publish
  • Support of multiple roles for the same user
  • You can modify the order of your home tabs

If you also have vReports from ValeDale, you can make the role-specific homepage much more interactive.

Currently supports MySQL (and similar) and MSSQL.


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