by ValeDale

vMyRoleHomePage increases the productivity of SuiteCRM users by standardizing homepages among people with the same role and adding tools to the standard homepage. You can allow users to add personal tabs to their role homepages (or not).

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Admin Guide

Config options

There are a few config options available for you:

  • ValeDaleMyRoleHomePageAdminLandingRole : this is the HomePage that the managing user will see when initiating a session.
  • ValeDaleMyRoleHomePageManagementRoles : this is an array with all the roles that can manage vHomePage (in addition to admin users!)
  • ValeDaleMyRoleHomePageNewTabHash : this is the homepage that will be used when a role does NOT have a vHomePage assigned (i.e. applies to all roles when you first install vHomePage). If you don´t define one, the system will just use a predefined simple one.

Examples for your config override file:

$sugar_config[ValeDaleMyRoleHomePageAdminLandingRole] = 'agent';

$sugar_config[ValeDaleMyRoleHomePageManagementRoles] = array('agent','agentvnotes');

$sugar_config[ValeDaleMyRoleHomePageNewTabHash] = ‘data as in database

If you have already a standard HomePage defined, you can pick this up using the following SQL (if you have access to the database). Whatever is the result put that instead of “data as in database”.

SELECT contents FROM user_preferences WHERE category='Home' AND assigned_user_id= '….user_id….' AND deleted=0");.

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