by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

Quick Updater makes it possible for you to Update the Module Record information from Listview, Update Related Field & Parent Relate Field information directly from Modules Create/Editview where Related fields Display. This will help you to quickly update records as you no longer need to save and then click into each related record to edit and save again.

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  • Quick Updater User’s Guide has been developed to assist management, system admin, users etc.
  • Quick Updater helps Users to Update the Module Record information from Listview, Update Related Field & Parent Relate Field information directly from Modules Create/Editview where Related fields Display.


  • Update the Module Record information from Listview using Quick Edit Slider Popup .
  • Able to Configure Panels/Tab & Fields which need to show in Quick Edit Slider Popup from Quick Updater Configuration Page.
  • Quick Edit Slider Popup of Listview provides an option of Search Field using Auto Suggestion for which you want to update Value. Once you select a field, it’ll focus on the selected field with green background color.
  • Able to Update the Related and Parent Related Field information from Module Create/Editview.
  • Once you select Quick Edit Option for Related and Parent Field from Create/Editview, Popup will be open with Quick Create Layout field. If you want to see all the fields then click on the FULL FORM Button which is available in Popup.
  • Quick Edit feature shows to Non-Admin User only when User has Edit Permission for the Module. For Admin User, Edit Permission rule not apply.

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