The MTS Activity Stream add-on enables users to view a list of activities performed on records. By using this solution, users can see who has updated important information on a CRM record and avoid making duplicate actions. Also, this feature helps admin monitor other users’ activities by reviewing their actions in the CRM.
Release Notes
[Version 1.1.0]
- Support view activity stream of all modules from the Home page.
- Only show activity stream of the module from the list view of the module.
- Only show activity stream of the record from the detail view of the record
- Support export Activity Stream as PDF (Only visible for admin user) To download please go to your order and download v1.1.0 Go to module loader to upgrade to v1.1.0
!!!IMPORTANT: Go to admin > Repair > Rebuild JS Grouping Files
[Version 1.0]
- Tracking create or change (Calls, Meetings, Notes, Tasks, Emails) on any records are linked to it.
- Tracking create new any record
- Tracking add opportunity for Account, Closed Won, Closed Lost for an opportunity
- Tracking converted a lead
- Tracking changes for important information of any record
- Tracking delete or add a new relationship between 2 records
- Support view all devices