Create documents in docx, xlsx (MS Office Word and Excel), odt, ods (LibreOffice and OpenOffice) and pdf format without MS Office or others plugins installed from any module and subpanel using templates.
User Guide
Mail Merge Reports 2.5 User Guide.pdf Mail Merge Reports 2.5 Guia Usuario.pdf Mail Merge Reports 1.1 User Guide.pdf
- MailMerge Reports is not compatible with SuiteCRM On-Demand
- MailMerge Reports can not be installed with ModuleScanner activated ($sugar_config['moduleInstaller']['packageScan'] = true) Compatible with all versions of SuiteCRM
2.5.16 - Bug [Premium version only] - SuiteCRM - In the listview, with "Select All" selected and some filter activated, the generate document process was ignoring filters. This is due to SuiteCRM code changes in v7.5.4 and v7.6.5. Special thanks to Jaume Albaigès for his help.
2.5.15 - Bug [Premium version only] - SuiteCRM - Documents with list of Line Group of Quotes is showing deleted groups. This is a SuiteCRM related bug. When deleting a group SuiteCRM is deleting its lines, while the group itself remains not deleted. Tested with SuiteCRM v7.11.5.
2.5.14 - Bug [Premium version only] - SuiteCRM 7.9 & 7.10 - Attach to email functionality doesn't open correctly compose email form from listview. - Bug [Premium version only] - Warnings about compatibility of function populateFromRow with PHP 7 and SuiteCRM. - Improvement - Available variables list in SuiteCRM : the module titles looked too big and the module icons were not being displayed
2.5.13 - Improvement - Cache problems with template downloads solved, at least with Firefox >= 62.0
2.5.12 - Bug - Possible bug when logging from expired session. View case
2.5.11 - Bug [Premium version only] - SuiteCRM 7.9 - Attach to email functionality does not open compose email view in SuiteCRM 7.9.x releases. This will work only from SuiteCRM 7.9.10 version due to bugs in SuiteCRM. Please see and - Item duplication prevention in generate document menu
2.5.10 - [Premium version only] Sugar 7.9 support. Please see "SugarCRM 7 Notes" section in README.txt file. IMPORTANT, see "SugarCRM 7.7.2 and later Notes" in README.txt if you are planning to install this component in SugarCRM 7.9
2.5.9 - Bug - SuiteCRM 7.8 - Issue when uninstalling on SuiteCRM when delete tables has been chosen. View case 2.5.8 - Bug - SuiteCRM 7.7 & 7.8 (reproducible only with SuiteP theme) - 'Generate document' button is gone from DetailView - Bug - SuiteCRM and SugarCRM (previous to version 7.7) - Bug introduced in v2.5.7 - Enabled Roles drag and drop panels is gone from Config view.
2.5.7 - [Premium version only] Sugar 7.8 support. Please see "SugarCRM 7 Notes" section in README.txt file. IMPORTANT, see "SugarCRM 7.7.2 and later Notes" in README.txt if you are planning to install this component in SugarCRM 7.8
2.5.6 - [Premium version only] Sugar 7.7 support. Please see "SugarCRM 7 Notes" section in README.txt file. IMPORTANT, see "SugarCRM 7.7.2 and later Notes" in README.txt if you are planning to install this component in SugarCRM 7.7.2
2.5.5 - Contact email changed
2.5.4 - [Premium version only] SuiteCRM 7.6 support. Please see "SuiteCRM 7 Notes" section in README.txt file - Bug [Premium version only] - Error in manifest.php with SuiteCRM 7.2
2.5.3 - [Premium version only] In generate Document form, when selecting Templates, if number of Templates in Module > $sugar_config['list_max_entries_per_subpanel'] then only $sugar_config['list_max_entries_per_subpanel'] Templates will be displayed, and a new 'More Templates ...' link will be displayed, to open standard popup of record selection. This is useful when we have a big set of Templates in a Module. Note In SuiteCRM 7.x this feature will only be available at this moment for bwc modules.
2.5.2 - [Premium version only] SuiteCRM 7.5 support. Please see "SuiteCRM 7 Notes" section in README.txt file - Bug [Premium version only] - 'Attach to x' checkboxes not displayed correctly in SuiteCRM 7.x
2.5.1 - Bug [Premium version only] - Error with "ticket" templates when getting variables from related modules (serial type blocks). Example [a_1.assigned_user_link@@email1]. This is a special use of blocks in templates
v2.5.0 - [Premium version only] .xlsx, .ods and .xlsm template files support (Excel and LibreOffice Spreadsheets) - Bug - Empty list view when SuiteCRM is installed with SQL Server - Updated - TinyButStrong 3.9.0 and OpenTBS 1.9.2 - [Premium version only] New calculated field class for Contacts to fill the relationship field opportunity_role (between Contacts and Opportunities). This field is populated when the template main module is Opportunities
v2.4.0 - [Premium version only] SuiteCRM 7.2 support. Please see "SuiteCRM 7 Notes" section in README.txt file - [SuiteCRM Pro] Added support for favorites field (add and search) - [SuiteCRM Pro] Bug - Recently viewed and favorites list was not showing the Template names
v2.3.0 - [Premium version only] Now MaiMerge Reports can work with related fields defined as 'ext2' = 'ModuleX' instead 'link' property. This allows to extract data from records related to related fields defined from Studio. - Changed theme for variable list grid - Bug - Strings with quotes or double quotes were presented with errors. This bug was solved in v1.1.7, but only for varchar and text type fields. Now every type of field with string output is formatted to solve this problem (name, enum, multienum, relate ...).
v2.2.4 - Bug - SQL error under some circumstances generating document from ListView when selecting all records
v2.2.3 - [Premium version only] Special case for Contacts module in Attach to Note process - Updated Slovak language files. A big thanks to Marian Sura
v2.2.2 - [Premium version only] New Attach to Note functionality. Generate Document and attach to new Note directly - Added standard Linux binaries paths to env path variable in cde package calls (pdf generation). This prevents from possible errors while generating pdf with cde package. Reinstall cde package if you have been errors previously with pdf generation (errors like "Not a PDF or corrupted")
v2.2.0 - [Premium version only] New Attach to email functionality. Generate Document and attach to new email directly - [Premium version only] New Roles-based permissions to access templates. This is an addition to the existing functionality Roles-based permissions to launch templates ('All', 'Only DOCX/ODT', 'Only PDF' and 'None') - New format function 'f_Decimals', format number of decimals of floats and decimal variables. Example: [a.numvar;onformat=~f_Decimals(1)] - Bug - Under SuiteCRM Pro and Firefox, "Available variables list" tables were being shown to the right of the module title - Bug - Error in template filename when download template files with cyrillic chars and spaces in it's name. Seems a bug in the 'basename' PHP function. Thanks to Kirill Belousov for this fix. - Bug - Error with 'DHA_OpenOffice_HOME' param
v2.0.5 - [Premium version only] New default cf_image_file_path calculated field for Notes and Documents modules. If attached file is a image (to a Note or Document), we can now merge the image to the generated document. - [Premium version only] New example for cf_image_file_path calculated field - New examples for creating tickets
v2.0.4 - Improvement - New param DHA_OpenOffice_HOME. LibreOffice working directory (Only for Linux). Required for PDF generation if HOME system environment variable does not point to a directory that has write permission for the user that runs the web server. Special thanks to Bob Caverly
v2.0.3 - Bug - Changed internal command to generate PDF with LibreOffice
v2.0.2 - Bug - "Generate Document" button appears in all DetailView subpanels (only when $sugar_config['enable_action_menu'] == false)
v2.0.1 - Now MailMerge Reports is upgrade safe !! No more SuiteCRM files will be modified. - SuiteCRM Pro compatibility - New config interface in Admin - You can select which modules you need to integrate with MailMerge Reports (actions in DetailView and ListView) - Roles-based permissions to launch templates ('All', 'Only DOCX/ODT', 'Only PDF' and 'None') - German language. Special thanks to Clemens von Dincklage
v1.1.14 - SuiteCRM.5.15 support - [Premium version only] New OrderRows function in DHA_DocumentTemplatesCalculatedFields (base class) to order rows (only in report main module). Should be overridden in child classes if needed
v1.1.13 - .docm template files support - Slovak language. Special thanks to Marian Sura