by Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd

Brainvire’s Email to Lead extension will enhance your SuiteCRM experience by conveniently creating leads from email and simplifying the process of tracking potential customers. Easy to set up, any email server can be configured in the CRM, then leads will automatically be created with all predefined details directly in SuiteCRM.

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Q1: Will my inbox emails be seen automatically in the CRM?

A1: Yes, the inbox emails will be seen automatically in the CRM. The system is configured to capture and display received emails for the configured email address.

Q2: How are leads generated automatically in the CRM?

A2: Leads are generated automatically through the integration with your email account. When a new email arrives, the CRM system processes the email and extracts relevant information to create a new lead entry.

Q3: Do I need to manually import emails into the CRM?

A3: No, you do not need to manually import emails into the CRM. The system is designed to automatically sync and import emails from your inbox to the CRM.

Q4: What email addresses are supported for automatic email viewing in the CRM?

A4: The CRM supports the configured email addresses. Ensure that your email address is correctly configured in the CRM settings for automatic syncing.

Q5: Can I customize the information extracted from emails for lead generation?

A5: Yes, you can customize the information extracted from emails. The CRM allows you to set specific criteria and fields to be extracted from incoming emails to suit your business needs.

Q6: What should I do if my emails are not appearing in the CRM?

A6: If your emails are not appearing in the CRM, check the following:

Ensure that your email address is correctly configured in the CRM settings. Verify that the CRM’s email integration is active and functioning. Check if there are any connectivity issues between your email server and the CRM. Consult the CRM’s support documentation or contact their customer support for further assistance.

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