by Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd

BV Report Tweaks Integration offers enhanced data customization capabilities within SuiteCRM, empowering users to generate insightful reports.

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Installation Guide

Installing the Add-on

NOTE: Before installing the package in your instance, please ensure that the permissions for the entire SuiteCRM folder are set to 777 or 775.

Step: 1. Navigate to Admin-----> Go to Module Loader and upload the package purchased from the store.

Module Loader.PNG

Step: 2. Choose the package and upload.


Step: 3. Install the package and commit.

Install (1).png

Step: 4. Update the License Key received from Store and Validate it.

Validate (1).png

Step: 5. Once updated perform Repair and Rebuild.


Return to Administration Page..PNG

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