by StackImagine

Create personalized, focused cold emails (or newsletters) that connect with each lead and land in their inboxes, powered by ChatGPT 4. Set up delivery for when your potential clients are active during their workday and in their time zone. Automate your sales outreach to increase revenue. Compatible with SuiteCRM 8.x and 7.x versions.

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User Guide

AI Email Generator Plugin Documentation

Quick Overview - What is it and how it works


  1. Install the Plugin: After obtaining the "SI Email Writer" packaged files, install it into your SuiteCRM instance.

  2. Copy OpenAI API Key: Copy the OpenAI API key provided during registration or from your OpenAI account.

  3. Access AI Email Generator Module: Open the SI Email Writer module in your SuiteCRM instance.

Plugin Configuration

Initial Email Prompt

  • Description: The initial email prompt serves as the content to start an email thread. Include detailed information and consider adding references to your previous work. A template for hunting ServiceNow projects is provided below.

Example Prompt

Compose a brief and polite email from Malik to a contact, asking for permission to feature their profile in a demonstration. The demo will highlight an email-writing tool driven by ChatGPT AI. Keep the email concise, approximately 4-5 sentences with around 40 words.
• Remove the “,”.
• Write short email: 4-5 sentences max

Followup Email Prompt

  • Description: Specify the content for the follow-up email that will be sent after a few days to remind your leads.

  • Example: Craft a casual follow-up prompt for Malik, casually checking in on the permission request. Just ask if the contact got a chance to look at the proposal and drop a thanks for their time. Keep it short and cool. ```

Email Probability

  • Description: Set the probability value for sending emails. Recommended values range from 5 to 7. A value of 100 will send an email every minute.


  • Description: Paste the OpenAI API key generated in the previous step.

Outbound Email Account

  • Description: Specify the email account to be used for this email writer.

Large Language Model

  • Description: Highly recommend using GPT-4 for superior output. If cost is a concern, consider using GPT-3 for a few initial emails and then use them as examples in prompts for other language models.

Require Human Approval

  • Description: If set to true, emails will not be sent automatically and require approval from a human. It is recommended to set this to true.

Campaign Start Time, End Time, Timezone, and Campaign Days

  • Description: These values determine the time when an email is scheduled to be sent. Configure the campaign start and end times, specify the timezone, and select the days on which the campaign will run.

Ensure that all configurations are set appropriately to align with your campaign strategy and preferences. Review and adjust the email prompts and settings as needed for optimal results.

![10.1. Prompt Details.png]( "15. Send the Email.png") 10.2. Prompt Details.png 10.3. Known Bug.png

Relating Leads to a Prompt

12.1. Relate Leads with the Prompt.png 12.2. Relate Leads with the Prompt.png

Sending an Email to a Lead

13. Filtering Leads.png 14. Writing First Email (Starting an Email Thread).png 14. Approve the Email.png 15. Send the Email.png

Automating this Workflow

17.1. Automate it All.png 17.2. Automate it All.png 17.3. Automate it All.png

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