Highlevel Overview

Stay in touch with new and existing clients without leaving your CRM. Using the Twilio SMS Integration by Taction Software, you and your team can easily send and receive text messages directly from SuiteCRM to your customers.

This plugin also logs outgoing and incoming messages in the CRM, a valuable asset for record-keeping and ensuring a complete communication history within SuiteCRM.

How it Works

Enter Message ID

Add Twilio Message ID to User Profile and save the changes.

Twilio SMS Integration for SuiteCRM

Where to Chat

The presence of a chat icon on the record detail view streamlines user interactions and simplifies initiating conversations related to specific records.

Twilio SMS Integration for SuiteCRM

After Clicking the chat icon, you will be able to see the chat modal to send messages and to view recent messages. The chat modal for sending and viewing messages further enhances user experience by providing a convenient and efficient interface for text messaging.

Twilio SMS Integration for SuiteCRM

To learn more about this solution, go to Twilio SMS Integration or search for "Twilio" on the marketplace.

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