Highlevel Overview

If you spend a lot of your time actively working on SuiteCRM records, it can get time-consuming to locate the fields you need at any given moment. There's a better (and more colorful) way to identify the right fields in a flash and prevent mistakes. The development team at Variance InfoTech built the Fields Color add-on for SuiteCRM, enabling you to highlight certain fields with color based on the specific conditions you set.

Fields Color add-on for SuiteCRM

Unique Features

  • Fields Color allows you to color the fields on the EditView, DetailView and Quick Create View based on the condition specified in configuration
  • Fields Color displays color on view (Create/Edit, Detail and Quick Create) if Status is Active
  • Choose Text color, Background color and Related Record color for any fields of a particular module
  • Also display Field Label color if “Color the Label” is “Yes”
  • Add multiple configurations for the same module

Watch Video Overview

Database Compatibility


To learn more about this solution, go to Fields Color or search for "color code."

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