It is always nice and helpful to have as full of a picture as you possibly can when working your leads or existing customers. With Social Media Contact Ninja you can bring that to a whole new level.

Utilizing FullContact's stockpile of available data, Social Media Contact Ninja pulls in images, addresses, bios, information from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more to your Contacts and Leads based on email address, mobile phone, or office phone.

Highlevel Overview

Get to know your customers deeply by identifying what Social Networks they are on in a click of a button right within SuiteCRM. Enabling this module provides you Social information about your leads and contacts from different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, personal and professional website, etc.


  • All information in a new Full Contact tab
  • Convenient and fast information with just one click.
  • Helps to deliver outstanding customer service experiences
  • Target campaigns and sales processes according to their preferences

View Social Media Info

Use Social Contact Ninja to see all related social media presence of you Leads and Contacts:

View Facebook & Twitter Data in SuiteCRM

To learn more about this solution go to Social Media Contact Ninja or search for "social media".

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