Sometimes you need a little more reassurance before making a purchase. It could be a question or a concern. To help solve this we offer Questions; a simple way for members to contact sellers and ask a question during the pre-sale process.
By simply clicking on the “Ask a Question” button for any add-on, Questions allows for a private conversation to be kicked off between the visitor and the creator of the add-on. When a question is created, sellers will receive an email notification and have the opportunity to respond.
Using the already-established comment system within the SuiteCRM Store, visitors and sellers can have a conversation that will ultimately help close the sale.
Below is a perfect example of Questions in action. Soon after the feature was released, a member asked a question about a theme, the seller responded with a great answer and moments later the member purchased the theme. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Do you have a question that you’ve been waiting to ask for an add-on? Now’s your chance to do so! Find that add-on and ask away.
FreshBook Integration
With the FreshBook Integration, your team easily gains visibility to all FreshBook accounting details while working in SuiteCRM. Your accounts and invoices are synced between both platforms, so it's simple to push or fetch data in one click.
PDF Creator
PDF Creator for SuiteCRM is a powerful add-on for generating business PDFs, capturing electronic signatures, and automating related processes. Quickly create proposals, contracts, cases, quotes, invoices and other necessary docs while working in your CRM.
SuiteCRM & VIES Integrator
Use this SuiteCRM plugin to create and update CRM records in accordance with the European VAT Information Exchange System (VIES). Also, verify other companies’ VAT numbers before moving forward with transactions.
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