Highlevel Overview

Since SuiteR theme was removed from the SuiteCRM theme list, you are no longer able to customize a CRM theme that best suits your company's brand, colors, layout preferences, etc. Instead, you are only able to choose one of the listed themes provided by SuiteCRM. This is exactly why the developers at Mien Trung Soft developed MTS Theme Builder – so you can easily create a unique and professional theme for your team’s best CRM experience. Check out the list of features below:

  • Support for SuiteCRM version v7.10 or above
  • Unlimited custom themes, unlimited users
  • Can customize navbar, menu, sidebar, button, textbox, panel, etc.
  • Can be based from list of themes provided by SuiteCRM

MTS Theme Builder for SuiteCRM

How it Works

To use this add-on, your SuiteCRM version must v7.10 or above. If you are using pre v7.10, please upgrade to v7.10.x or above. If you are looking to upgrade SuiteCRM, you can reference the guide link available on the listing page.


MTS Theme Builder for SuiteCRM dashlet

ListView, Sidebar, Menu

MTS Theme Builder for SuiteCRM menu options


MTS Theme Builder for SuiteCRM editview

To learn more about this solution, go to MTS Theme Builder or search for "SuiteCRM theme."

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