by Fynsis Softlabs

The synergy of Xero and SuiteCRM is a double bonanza, as SuiteCRM Xero Accounting Integration by Fynsis brings a seamless flow of data of customers from inside your CRM to the actual billing and invoicing system in useful handshake so the bills can be generated within CRM.

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#936 - Where do I get my XERO PI Key from?

Closed Installation created by markb 7 years ago

Hi, I got to the stage where I need to enter my XERO API key.

Where do I get these from please?

  1. fynsistech member avatar

    Fynsis Softlabs Provider

    7 years ago

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for purchasing Xero Accounting Integration Plugin.

    As per the store policy we offer free support for installation and configuration.

    We have also sent you a follow up email, please revert back for further assistance.

    Thanks, Fynsis Team.

  2. fynsistech member avatar

    Fynsis Softlabs Provider

    7 years ago

    Hello Mark,

    You can find the steps from Xero community on how to generate the Consumer API key for your Xero Account :

    Thanks, Fynsis - SutieCRM Partner

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