by Fynsis Softlabs

The synergy of Xero and SuiteCRM is a double bonanza, as SuiteCRM Xero Accounting Integration by Fynsis brings a seamless flow of data of customers from inside your CRM to the actual billing and invoicing system in useful handshake so the bills can be generated within CRM.

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#2251 - Instructions don't work

Closed Installation created by accounts6 5 years ago

I can't see where to get the Xero consumer secret, key, public key or private key, where is this information? It says to get it from keys generated in Xero Accounting Portal but I can't see anything in Xero?? Tahnks.

  1. fynsistech member avatar

    Fynsis Softlabs Provider

    5 years ago

    You need to generate private App there you can find public and private Keys of xero, We can help u in Xero integration and customization can we discuss in Skype my skype ID is junaidpashaar

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