by Rolustech

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#854 - Installtion not saved

Closed Installation created by pixxmedia 7 years ago

I have igone though all step but still my configuration from the "CALL ACCOUNT:" are not setting up ?

  1. pixxmedia member avatar


    7 years ago

    got this error in console

    @ twilio.min.js:72 @ twilio.min.js:94 @ index.php?module=rolus_Twilio_Account:xyz twilio.min.js:72 Uncaught a {message: "Capability token is not valid or missing."}

  2. rolustech member avatar

    Rolustech Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago


    Thank you for contacting Rolustech.

    Your issue has been noted down and our team will look into it.

    Kindly let us know which Suite version you are using.

    Thanks, Abubakr

  3. pixxmedia member avatar


    7 years ago

    suitecrm version 7.8.8 PHP Version 5.6.32

    • rolustech member avatar

      Rolustech Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Thank you. We will get back to you shortly.

      Thanks, Rolustech

  4. rolustech member avatar

    Rolustech Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago


    The error is not reproduced at our end. Can you kindly check if your Twilio call settings are properly configured?

    If they are, then kindly provide us with your Twilio and Suite access, so that our team can look into the issue.

    Thanks, Rolustech

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