The Twilio Call Extension adds incoming call, outgoing call, call logging, call notification, call notes and call recording functionality to your SuiteCRM. Users can make calls directly from SuiteCRM, check previous call history, and enjoy the convenience of call getting automatically logged to records containing matching phone numbers.
#3984 - Fresh installation errors
Errors: 1) Twilio Device Error: No transport available to send or receive messages 2) Twilio Device Error: Missing application SID
Also system quick recovery shows the following error message:
/* Table : users /
/MISSING IN DATABASE - twilio_user_phone - ROW/
/MISSING IN DATABASE - twilio_user_appid - ROW/
ALTER TABLE users add COLUMN twilio_user_phone
varchar(100) NULL , add COLUMN twilio_user_appid
varchar(255) NULL ;
3 years ago
Hello sir, Please do quick repair and rebuild above query and execute it.please follow the plugin document.let me know if any issue.we can connect on skype. skype id -