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Twilio SuiteCRM Call Extension Plans

Once-Per User

Per User, One-time
Per User, One-time
  • Free 30-Day Trial
  • Outstanding Support
  • Works on versions 7.0.0 to 7.14.4
Start a Free Trial

Yearly - Per User

Per User, Yearly
Per User, Yearly
  • Free 30-Day Trial
  • Outstanding Support
  • Works on versions 7.0.0 to 7.14.4
Start a Free Trial

Monthly - Per User

Per User, Monthly
Per User, Monthly
  • Free 30-Day Trial
  • Outstanding Support
  • Works on versions 7.0.0 to 7.14.4
Start a Free Trial
Immediately after checking out you can download and install your add-on.
Licensed for one production instance and unlimited test and dev instances.

Twilio SuiteCRM Call Extension

The Twilio Call Extension adds incoming call, outgoing call, call logging, call notification, call notes and call recording functionality to your SuiteCRM. Users can make calls directly from SuiteCRM, check previous call history, and enjoy the convenience of call getting automatically logged to records containing matching phone numbers.