by Implicit Inc.

Scalable, Enterprise-Class solution for integrating SuiteCRM with Exchange / Office 365. Synchronize contacts, calendars and tasks. Set rules for auto-archiving of incoming/outgoing emails. Combine (optional) with an Exchange / Office 365 add-on that presents an Email Side-Panel in Outlook and allows users to view, create and edit CRM records from within Outlook.

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#2087 - No date_sent_received for inbound messages

Closed Bug? created by cwonsey 5 years ago

In testing, I have noticed that no messages place a date in the "date_sent" field of the Emails table. Outbound messages do place the proper date/time into the "date_sent_received" field, but inbound messages do not. I really need there to be a date and time of the message in the database rather than just the creation date/time for messages that are synced at a later date than received.

  1. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    5 years ago


    Outlook does not provide 'Date Sent' for inbound messages, only the date that the message was received.

    • cwonsey member avatar


      5 years ago

      NO DATE IS BEING ENTERED FOR RECEIVED MESSAGES IN EITHER FIELD. No messages place a date in the "date_sent" field, so the expectation is that the date the message was sent OR received would always be found in the "date_sent_received" field. If a message is received on July 10 and the contact is not added to the CRM until July 11, the user can categorize the message to have it sync once the contact has been added. Since no date is entered into the database other than a creation date, there is no way to find messages based on the date they were actually received. View the third message in the attached list - this is an example of a received message with no way to know when it was received. The top 2 messages are sent messages, which you can see do not utilize the "date_sent" field either, but do place a date in the "date_sent_received" field. Capture.PNG

  2. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    5 years ago

    Ok, thanks. We will escalate to engineering and let you know.

  3. cwonsey member avatar


    5 years ago

    Any update on this? I am trying to determine whether to continue evaluating this software or find an alternative before my trial is over.

  4. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    5 years ago


    We set the date of the standard SuiteCRM email module field called "date_sent". There is no standard field called "date_sent_received" . This could be a custom field that you created. Please make sure that the field shown of the form is the standard "date_sent" field. Then try to archive an incoming email and let us know if you still cannot see the date.

    • cwonsey member avatar


      5 years ago

      I have been very clear in my responses and even provided a view of the database table. YOUR SOFTWAREIS THE ONLY THING ENTERING EMAILS INTO THIS TABLE.

      DATE_SENT field is never being filled, so you are not setting the "standard SuiteCRM email module field called "date_sent"" to anything. The "date_sent_received" field is being populated by your software and since I haven't modified your software, you should know why it does that.

  5. cwonsey member avatar


    5 years ago

    So far, I have to say that I am not at all impressed with the level of support you provide for the price of this software.

  6. cwonsey member avatar


    5 years ago

    Still no attempt to provide actual support for the issue? How about trying this - where SHOULD I be able to see the DATE RECEIVED for INBOUND messages in the data table for reporting? Do you see that field populated in the data table view I provided with my request?

  7. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    5 years ago

    Please see screenshot below. This is the field that we use:


    • cwonsey member avatar


      5 years ago


  8. cwonsey member avatar


    5 years ago

    That field is not being populated by ANY messages. YOUR software is populating the DATE_SENT_RECEIVED field for SENT messages.

  9. cwonsey member avatar


    5 years ago

    Here is a view of some emails that were synced today by your software. THERE IS NO DATE in the "date_sent" field you refer to for any of the messages. There is a date in the "date_sent_received" field that you claim you don't use for SENT items only. There is no date records ANYWHERE for received messages. These messages are being synced by your software and data is not being modified after they are entered.

    I'm not sure why you are not understanding what I am telling you or making any attempt to review the log files or data that is being synced instead of just sending me the same answer that I have proven incorrect multiple times now.


  10. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    5 years ago


    I am sorry that this is not working for you. This is core functionality of the product that has been working for all our customers for the past several years. Nevertheless, we re-tested this morning and confirmed that the field is set correctly. Which means that this is an issue that is specific to your environment. The connector is obviously attempting to set it but failing for some reason.

  11. cwonsey member avatar


    5 years ago

    So you do not provide any installation or troubleshooting support for your product? I am showing you that it is not working as you say it should and you are not offering to do anything to assist in troubleshooting. Since there are no error messages (or data relating to the insert statements sent to the CRM) in your log file, I have no way of troubleshooting your software if you do nothing to help.

  12. cwonsey member avatar


    5 years ago

    I have captured the insert statements your software sends to the database for both INBOUND and OUTBOUND messages.

    As you can see, your software is using the "date_sent_received" field for OUTBOUND/SENT messages and omits the date entirely for INBOUND/RECEIVED messages.

    OUTBOUND MESSAGE: INSERT INTO emails_beans (id,email_id,bean_id,bean_module,date_modified,deleted) VALUES ('2d15508c-2b59-3754-bcc9-5d2f4b1ba66e','ed19cadd-1214-8cb3-9c77-5d2f4bdf07e3','271c8488-7097-1018-e074-5846e6ee7363','Accounts','2019-07-17 16:21:54','0')

    UPDATE emails_beans set email_id='ed19cadd-1214-8cb3-9c77-5d2f4bdf07e3',bean_id='32305b91-2ff4-1cec-a29c-591af4007f09',bean_module='Contacts',campaign_data='',date_modified='2019-07-17 16:21:54',deleted='0' WHERE id='b8d70240-4864-4cf2-cf0d-5d2f4b76d11d'

    INSERT INTO emails (id,name,date_entered,date_modified,modified_user_id,created_by,deleted,assigned_user_id,date_sent_received,type,status,intent,parent_type,parent_id) VALUES ('ed19cadd-1214-8cb3-9c77-5d2f4bdf07e3','RE: Test - ignore for 10 minutes then delete','2019-07-17 16:21:53','2019-07-17 16:21:53','1','1',0,'93de214f-5219-02c8-84cd-58419aa0e74f','2019-07-17 16:21:53','archived','sent','pick','Contacts','32305b91-2ff4-1cec-a29c-591af4007f09')

                    INSERT INTO emails (id,name,date_entered,date_modified,modified_user_id,created_by,deleted,assigned_user_id,date_sent_received,type,status,intent,parent_type,parent_id)
                    VALUES ('ed19cadd-1214-8cb3-9c77-5d2f4bdf07e3','RE: Test - ignore for 10 minutes then delete','2019-07-17 16:21:53','2019-07-17 16:21:53','1','1',0,'93de214f-5219-02c8-84cd-58419aa0e74f','2019-07-17 16:21:53','archived','sent','pick','Contacts','32305b91-2ff4-1cec-a29c-591af4007f09')
                    INSERT INTO emails_text (email_id,from_addr,reply_to_addr,to_addrs,cc_addrs,bcc_addrs,description,description_html,raw_source,deleted)
                    VALUES (&#039;ed19cadd-1214-8cb3-9c77-5d2f4bdf07e3&#039;,&#039;;,&#039;&#039;,&#039;;,&#039;&#039;,&#039;&#039;,&#039;Reply\n\nMason Adams\nAccount Executive\nUSA Digital Communications, Inc.\n11600 Broadway Extension, Ste. 150\nOklahoma City, OK  73114\nDirect:  877-916-3405\nMain:  888-872-3787\<>\n[USAD_Logo_In-Line_Txt (250x94)]\n[linkedin]<>\n\nFrom: Charles Wonsey []\nSent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 11:01 AM\nTo: Mason Adams\nSubject: Test - ignore for 10 minutes then delete\n\nIgnore this message then delete after 10 minutes for sync logging.\n&#039;,&#039;Reply<br /><br />\nMason Adams<br />\nAccount Executive<br />\nUSA Digital Communications, Inc.<br />\n11600 Broadway Extension, Ste. 150<br />\nOklahoma City, OK  73114<br />\nDirect:  877-916-3405<br />\nMain:  888-872-3787<br />\<br />\n[USAD_Logo_In-Line_Txt (250x94)]<br />\n[linkedin]<br /><br />\nFrom: Charles Wonsey []<br />\nSent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 11:01 AM<br />\nTo: Mason Adams<br />\nSubject: Test - ignore for 10 minutes then delete<br /><br />\nIgnore this message then delete after 10 minutes for sync logging.<br />&#039;,&#039;&#039;,0)


    INSERT INTO emails_beans (id,email_id,bean_id,bean_module,date_modified,deleted) VALUES ('66547ac4-e9ba-4b9b-cdad-5d2f4670a2b4','35439ca9-a07b-fe05-3c00-5d2f4643cd7b','271c8488-7097-1018-e074-5846e6ee7363','Accounts','2019-07-17 16:03:52','0')

    UPDATE emails_beans set email_id='35439ca9-a07b-fe05-3c00-5d2f4643cd7b',bean_id='32305b91-2ff4-1cec-a29c-591af4007f09',bean_module='Contacts',campaign_data='',date_modified='2019-07-17 16:03:52',deleted='0' WHERE id='45562729-9476-ead2-ce97-5d2f468789b6'

    INSERT INTO emails (id,name,date_entered,date_modified,modified_user_id,created_by,deleted,assigned_user_id,type,status,intent,parent_type,parent_id) VALUES ('35439ca9-a07b-fe05-3c00-5d2f4643cd7b','Test - ignore for 10 minutes','2019-07-17 16:03:52','2019-07-17 16:03:52','1','1',0,'64dd24a9-1ecb-a19d-a820-5841849eb2b8','archived','read','pick','Contacts','32305b91-2ff4-1cec-a29c-591af4007f09')

    INSERT INTO emails (id,name,date_entered,date_modified,modified_user_id,created_by,deleted,assigned_user_id,type,status,intent,parent_type,parent_id) VALUES ('35439ca9-a07b-fe05-3c00-5d2f4643cd7b','Test - ignore for 10 minutes','2019-07-17 16:03:52','2019-07-17 16:03:52','1','1',0,'64dd24a9-1ecb-a19d-a820-5841849eb2b8','archived','read','pick','Contacts','32305b91-2ff4-1cec-a29c-591af4007f09')

  13. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    5 years ago

    Ok. Thanks. We'll have engineering take a look and let you know.

  14. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    5 years ago

    Good day,

    First of all let me show what happens with clean SuiteCRM instance when emails (sent or received) are archived.date_sent.png

    Those are the fields, you can see on the image, that FrontEnd addin usually sets through SOAP API. The difference comes when the SOAP API call is being processed by SuiteCRM engine to produce SQL insert statement. And in regular cases there is no fancy conversion for Emails table (there are for other modules though). So judging by the fact that there is no "date_sent_received" field in SuiteCRM initially and the field name is not appended with "_c" (custom field), I assume you have some SuiteCRM customization or patch that has some custom code interacting emails module insert SQL queries generation. Which has some logic to replace the native "date_sent" field with "date_sent_received" for outbound emails and leave it empty for inbound.

    Could you please try to verify or reject my assumption somehow. Also you can use Fiddler or other http sniffer application to see that the FrontEnd addin sends the "date_sent" field (only) in both cases, sent and received emails archive.

    Thanks, Engineering Team.

    • cwonsey member avatar


      5 years ago

      Could you provide some info on how to capture that traffic using Fiddler? I ran fiddler and can see my other Web traffic being captured, but when the sync runs from your software, it is not seeing any data stream in Fiddler running on the machine that hosts your software.

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