Do you need to send SMS messages from SuiteCRM? SendSMS is the right tool for you. It allows sending SMS with ease to any Contact or Lead or even to many recipients at one time from the List View. SendSMS supports Callfire, Clikatell and Plivo SMS Gateways as well as any custom configuration. Communicate better and faster and improve your marketing efforts with SendSMS.
#845 - cancel my trail until your addon compatable with 7.9.8
cancel my trail until your addon compatible with 7.9.8 ,, installation stacked on 70%
7 years ago
Hello Are there any error messages displayed ?
We have observed, that with 7.9.8 the UpgradeWizard process may take longer. So we have increased script execution time for the installation script. Could you please try out a new version of SensSMS (1_29) and let us know if that helped ? If not, would you be able to send us your php error log and suitecrm error log files ? You can send via e-mail to
7 years ago
hello installation complete successfully with SensSMS(1_29) ... but when i go to the configuration to chose the sms gateway i cant see any in the drop down list ?
7 years ago
That maight be related with permissions, which are not well set. We need to see your logs (php and suitecrm). Would you be able to send ?
7 years ago
hello i have 2 clients now i am convensing them to bay your product .. i can give you the authantication for the ftp and the admin user of the currently developing crms ,,, please solve that , one i can see the getways but installation stops at 70% ,, and the other installation complete but not see the gateways
7 years ago
Hello Yes, that would be the best. Please send the app account details as well as the ftp details. We will see what we can do. The proper permissions for the config.php and utils.php is the read permission for the web server user/group.
7 years ago
please give me private email that i send this information i cant write in public
7 years ago
hello can you please tel me how to configure config.php and util.php with the correct permissions of suite crm on linux mybe this will solve the problem
7 years ago
Hello. This is according to official documentation of SuiteCRM
Set the following permissions on the SuiteCRM directory(Linux): sudo chown -R www-data:www-data . sudo chmod -R 755 . sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
7 years ago
hello i insalld your addon but on bita3 suite crm new installation latest version 7.10 and i created trial account in clickatell and i want test your addons when i press send test message it tel me to activate ? what activate if i didn't purchase yet ?! i want test your product and know how it work and how i can use it and integrate it with the currently under development solution ?
7 years ago
Hello Each add-on should be activated (regardless if it is trial or sell). Please go to Admin->SendSMS Activation and there is an activation form. Please enter there your activation key, and hit."Activate"