#4148 - Mokas SalesPipe Question about the Sales stage
Currently in our system we have to send emails everytime we move a customer from one sales stage to another this would mean that everytime I move a customer from sales stage 1 to sales stage 2 i would have to manually click on the name and then the email addres of the customer to be able to send the mail template depending on which one of the sales stages they are at. I am curious to know wheter this could become automated where if I move a customer from sales stage 2 to sales stage 3 it would send the email template for the aproprite sales stage. Is there any way I could make this happen wheter it would be an add on / extention.
3 years ago
I think You could do it via SuiteCRM workflow module. For more datails look here https://docs.suitecrm.com/user/advanced-modules/workflow/
3 years ago
Thank you I will check into it.
3 years ago
I have been playing around with it now, for some time. I dont really understand how to send a email as I change a customer from one sales stage to another. Anything that could help me would be greatly appreciated.
3 years ago
Ok, we could help please write me to vytenis@mokas.lt