#1694 - Uneven quarterly quota
I am evaluating the module. Below are few requirements to deploy it: 1) I want to set quotas for the employees who joined us starting Fiscal Quarter 3. When I enter quota in Q3 and Q4, it spreads even number in Q1 and Q2 also in which employee wasn't present. 2) The quota for the employee will be uneven in each quarter. 3) Few employees have margin amount as their quota.
How to achieve this customization?
6 years ago
1) I want to set quotas for the employees who joined us starting Fiscal Quarter 3. When I enter quota in Q3 and Q4, it spreads even number in Q1 and Q2 also in which employee wasn't present.
When you enter quota in a Quarter, it should only be for that quarter. Only when you enter Quota in the Total column, this Quota is divided by 4 in all quarters.
Did you enter quotas in Q3,Q4 or in Totals. If you entered quotas in Q3,Q4, what browser are you using?
2) The quota for the employee will be uneven in each quarter. That should be possible
3) Few employees have margin amount as their quota. I am not sure I understand. Should the quota calculation be different for some employees? Then I don't think it's possible.
6 years ago
1) I entered in Q3 and Q4. I was on Firefox. Changed to chrome and it's fine now 2) resolved 3) you got it right. Any possibility for the feature in future? 4) Any possibility to have product wise Quotas for salesman?
6 years ago
1) Thank you for your feedback. We will try with Firefox 3) We will look at that but I believe it would be very complex (if even feasible) 4) how would you measure these Quotas?