by Helfertech

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#5438 - Error

Closed Installation created by abirku 7 months ago

Hi, I get attached error when going to the Recycle Bin windows in Admin.

  1. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    7 months ago


    Could you please let us know which version of SuiteCRM and the specific plug-ins you are currently using? This information will help us identify and resolve the issue more effectively.

    Regards, Helfertech

  2. abirku member avatar


    7 months ago

    SuiteCRM Version 7.14.0, we are using Advanced Reports and Zendesk plug-ins.

  3. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    7 months ago


    We have tested the plug-in on our end using version 2.5 of the RecycleBin plug-in, and it works completely fine. Could you please share a screenshot of the issue you're experiencing? This will help us better understand the problem and provide a more accurate solution.

    Regards, Helfertech

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