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#5256 - SuiteCRM 8 RECYCLE BIN

Closed General Question created by npetri Verified Purchase 11 months ago


we are currently trying out suiteCRM 8 and got the RECYCLE BIN, since it looked like a good way to keep a change history and to restore deleted files we installed it. But it doesn't show me deleted data for example specific "Accounts" i deleted. BR Nicoals

  1. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    11 months ago


    The plugin is performing smoothly on our end. To better assist you, please provide us with the exact version of the Suite8 you are currently using. This will enable us to offer more targeted support and address any specific concerns you may have.


    • npetri member avatar

      npetri Verified Purchase

      11 months ago


      Sorry for the late response we are using Version 8.2.1. BR Nicolas

  2. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    11 months ago


    The plugin appears to be working seamlessly without any issues on our end.

    To better assist you, we kindly request that you provide us with a demo video illustrating the issue. This will enable us to gain a clearer understanding of the situation and offer the most effective solution.

    Please send the demo video to our designated email address:


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