by Helfertech

If you are dealing with the standard CRM file uploading restrictions, there is a better way to manage the various file types you need access to. With the Multiple File Upload add-on for SuiteCRM, gain the ability to upload multiple file types, documents, and images directly in your CRM.

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#5389 - Upgrade proof?

Closed General Question created by Verified Purchase 2 months ago

Hi, I would like to know if Multiple File Upload is upgrade-proofed. For example, I installed the Multiple File Upload in Version 7.10.33. After it upgrades to Version 7.13.4, can this Add-on still work? Thanks and regards,

  1. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    2 months ago


    Yes, it will work on upgraded versions.

    Thank You

  2. member avatar

    Verified Purchase

    one month ago

    Thanks for your answer!

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