by Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub)

The MTS Advanced Invoice add-on helps you craft professional invoices, automatically generate new invoices and recurring invoices, and send payment reminders.

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#5631 - original invoices in suitecrm are not listed any more

Closed Bug? created by office14 Verified Purchase 3 weeks ago

we are using suitecrm 8.8.0

and installed the plugin version

since we installed the plugin and activated it we can't see the list of invoices of the original suitecrm solution. these are still there, i can reach them over the single accounts. but the hole list is empty.. in the logs i can't find any errror

  1. nhat.thieu member avatar

    Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

    3 weeks ago

    Thanks for your reporting. Can you go to admin area > Repair > Quicl repair and rebuild then scroll to bottom to execute SQL to add custom fields then try again?

  2. office14 member avatar

    office14 Verified Purchase

    3 weeks ago

    this fixed he problem! + i generated the missing language file de_de.lang.php in the folder suitecrmDEV/public/legacy/modules/AOS_Quotes/language

    • nhat.thieu member avatar

      Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

      3 weeks ago

      Yes, I believe the language package may missing some label you need to fix it. Because it contribute by community and not fully you can reference more lang pack from

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